KW Realty Phoenix

KWRI: Keller Williams Realty International

A ~

Above the Line: Approved Market Center expenses that are taken before Profit Share is calculated.

Allied Resources: Allied businesses and people who assist and support the growth and productivity in our industry.

ALC: Agent Leadership Council – act as our Board of Directors.

B ~

BOLD: BOLD is a product of former MAPS Coaching president, Dianna Kokoszka. It’s a seven week program that conditions agents with powerful mindset exercises, language techniques, business-building strategies and live lead generation activities which refine the fundamentals for a prosperous real estate practice. Business Objective: a Life by Design (not default).

BC: Business Center.

Below the Line: Market Center expenses that the owner must pay for after Profit Share has been calculated.

C ~

Cap: Amount of company dollar an agent is required to pay to their office annually.

Capper: An agent who contributes enough Company $ to their office to satisfy their annual commission requirement. After capping, agents keep 100% of commission income.

Career Visioning: The detailed step by step process taught to help our teams and leadership find and hire talent specific to roles in our company.

CMA: Comparative Market Analysis.

Command: Technology tool developed by agents for agents, conceptualized for Keller Williams agents.

Cost of Sales (COS): Fees paid out as a percentage of the transaction, such as for referrals fees or to buyers agents. As taught in the Millionaire Real Estate Agent book.

D ~

DOFI: Director of First Impressions.

E ~

Expansion: The focused training specific to mega agents who want to franchise their teams across different markets into other market centers all over the world.

F ~

Forecast Model: A tool designed to help project a Market Center’s “next year’s” business. Goals are entered and tracked here.

G ~

Gary Keller: Vision of the company. Started KW in 1983 and franchised in 1991.

GCI: Gross Commission Income.

GPS: Goal Setting system that aids to organize and lay out strategies and tactics that will in turn accomplish an overarching goal.

I ~

Ignite: Training program over 4 weeks for new agents, agents new to KW, and those who choose to grow their business to capping. Taught in your market center by qualified faculty who are also successful business owners.

K ~

Kellebrity: Keller Williams celebrity.

KPA: Keller Personality Assessment. All associates have access to this to help them determine the right hires for the right positions on their teams. Each KPA costs $20.00 and can be accessed by setting it up with the market center MCA.

KW Cares: KW Cares is a 501(c)(3) public charity created to support Keller Williams
associates and their families with hardship as a result of a sudden emergency.
Hardship is defined as a difficult circumstance that a person or family cannot
handle without outside help. The charity is the heart of Keller Williams culture
in action – finding and serving the higher purpose of business through charitable
giving in the market centers and communities where Keller Williams associates
live and work.

KW Kids Can: An educational 501(c)(3) nonprofit that leverages technology and the passion of KWKC Instructors to empower young people to live life to its fullest.

KWLS: Keller Williams Listing Service-Which drives your listing to hundreds of websites and protects your name and information on Zillow sites, via a KW negotiated program with them exclusive to our agents. “Your listings, your leads.”

KWU: Keller Williams University- educational faculty base training programs for our company.

L ~

The Language of Real Estate (LORE): A monthly report that shows how your market center compares to your market across eight key industry numbers and provides evidence of value created.

Loss Carry-Forward (LCF): Market Centers that lose money will calculate a loss carry forward. Once the LCF is paid the Market Center profit shares.

M ~

MAPS: Mega Agent Productivity Systems Coaching programs via Keller Williams Realty. Awarded a Stevie Award for Sales Training and Coaching Program of the Year – and was the first real estate company to be nominated for the PRISM Award for excellence in coaching. The format for the programs ranges from the one-on-one coaching relationship, to conferences and masterminds, to weekly group coaching courses.

MC: Market Center (each KW office).

MCA: Market Center Administrator.

MEGA Agent: Produces more than $6 million in production.

Mo Anderson: If Gary Keller is the vision of Keller Williams Realty, former CEO and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mo Anderson, is it’s heart. Mo’s personal integrity and unquenchable drive are touchstones that have made Keller Williams Realty one of the most successful franchises in real estate.

MREA: Millionaire Real Estate Agent (book and curriculum)
MREA Four Laws of Lead Generation:
1. Build a database;
2. Feed it every day;
3. Communicate with it in a systematic way;
4. Service all the leads that come your way.

MREI: Millionaire Real Estate Investor (book and curriculum).

MVVBP: Mission, Vision, Values, Beliefs, & Perspective.

O ~

OP: Operating Principal.

Owner Profit: Profit owners keep after Profit Share, as their business profit.

P ~

Partners: All agents of Keller Williams are called partners.

Profit Share: Amount of Market Center profit that is sent to KWRI for distribution to the appropriate associates in the profit share tree.

Profit Share Tree: The people in your downline who have directly or indirectly chosen KW because of you.

Q ~

Quantum Leap: A class on life and balance designed by Gary Keller.

R ~

RD: Regional Director-The regional Representative that oversees the region for the regional ownership.

Royalty: The royalty fee that each agent partner pays in addition to their cap, due to KW being a franchise. The Royalty is 6% on each transaction, with a maximum of $3000.00.

T ~

TL: Team Leader, the individual responsible for running the market center. The CEO of the office.

Transmittal: Monthly method used to send MC operational and financial reports to KWRI each month.

W ~

Written Volume: Number of pending contracts. Team Leader’s use this as a gauge for how well the Market Center is doing.

WI4C2TES: Win-Win, Integrity, Customers, Communication, Commitment, Creativity, Teamwork, Trust, Success.

Numbers ~

411: Goal Setting Training used with a business plan.

8×8: A lead generation schedule consisting of eight touches over eight weeks. A
high-impact, high-saturation technique that is designed to put you in the
number-one position in the minds of everyone in your Met database within
an eight-week period.

33 Touch: A lead generation schedule consisting of thirty-three touches over one year. A high-impact, high-saturation technique that is designed to put you in the number-one position in the minds of everyone in your Met database.

12 Direct: A lead generation schedule consisting of twelve touches over one year. A high-impact technique that is designed to put you in the minds of everyone in your Haven’t-Met database.

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